Portland Mural Celebrates Achievements Of Black Women

By Christina Belasco (OPB)
Aug. 8, 2015 3:30 p.m.

The mural was under construction for months before being officially unveiled on Saturday 8 at the Alberta Street Fair.

One of the artists commissioned to complete the mural paints details on the wall's midsection

Rough outlines were completed with spray paint before more meticulously changes were added with brushes.

Members of the Black United Fund chatted outside the entrance to the organization.

A DJ provided music for the event and spun vinyls.

Executive director of the Black United Fund, Kimberlee Sheng hopes that the wall will act as a call to action for the community.

Members of the Black United Fund and Vox Siren pose in front of the mural.

A mural honoring historically significant black women was unveiled Saturday in Portland.


The 25-by-100 foot mural, painted on the exterior of the Black United Fund building in Northeast Portland, features women such as Angela Davis, Coretta Scott King and Maya Angelou. It was made public at Portland's Alberta Street Fair.


The wall was painted by artists Jeremy Nichols and Eatcho.

Feminist group Vox Siren and independent group Art Uprising approached the Black United Fund with the idea in December 2014. Though the Black United Fund had turned down mural ideas from other organizations in the past, it agreed to the latest proposal because of its important message for the community.

“It’s not just about beautifying the building, it’s about empowering the community through the images that we see,” said Kimberlee Sheng, executive director, Black United Fund of Oregon.

Alberta Street, like many other neighborhoods in Northeast Portland, used to be a major hub for Portland’s African American community, but has since undergone widespread development and gentrification.

"The mural itself is a wonderful opportunity to spark dialogue about our past but also to think about how we move forward. I’m hoping the mural will become a conversation piece but also a call to action,” Sheng said.

To learn more about the history of race relations in Portland, gentrification, and the civil rights movement, see OPB's documentary that aired earlier this year.