5 a.m. Thursday: Three things to know as the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation enters day 41. Follow the latest developments in this story here.
11:52 p.m. Ammon Bundy's attorney Mike Arnold of Arnold Law in Eugene said he was surprised when the FBI called him and told him Cliven Bundy had been arrested.
"I'm wondering who's in charge," Arnold said. "I'm sort of in frustrated disbelief right now that there's someone in the federal government right now who thought it was a good idea to arrest Cliven Bundy while (Nevada State Rep.) Michele Fiore was negotiating for the stand down at the refuge."
Arnold went on to say that there's a possible silver lining.
“If Cliven Bundy can get arrested peacefully without force or violence, then the four remaining at the refuge can feel confident they can walk out unharmed,” he said.
Follow all of our Armed Occupation In Eastern Oregon Coverage. Follow live updates from all of our reporters covering the story. The situation is ongoing we'll update as it develops.
11:04 p.m. Cliven D. Bundy is in police custody at the Multnomah County Jail. Bundy is detained under a U.S. Marshal hold and is facing federal charges.
Bundy traveled to Oregon after militants still occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge said they would surrender.
9:23 p.m. Occupier Sean Anderson told Nevada state Rep. Michele Fiore the remaining four occupiers will turn themselves in to the FBI Thursday morning.
The possible resolution to the 40-day occupation came after a night of often tense negotiations between militants, the FBI, Nevada state Rep. Michele Fiore and others.
.@VoteFiore is now back on the live stream. Sean Anderson says they're going to turn themselves in tomorrow morning. #Oregonstandoff
— Ryan Haas (@ryanjhaas) February 11, 2016
7:18 p.m. Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy, father of occupation leaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy, says on his Facebook page that he is heading down to Burns. He is calling for "patriots" and "militia" to join him.
Posted by Bundy Ranch on Wednesday, February 10, 2016
7:13 p.m. Reporter Amanda Peacher is at the Narrows around five miles from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. She learned from a neighbor nearby that the FBI told them to stay in their home.
She is updating as the situation unfolds.
7:02 p.m An individual identifying as Burns mayor Craig LaFollette is talking over the phone with the occupants. He says they are sending a "specialist" negotiator out to the standoff.
Not much is visible from the blockade except the lights from the FBI base. There's a dense fog hovering over the valley. Spooky.
— Amanda Peacher (@amandapeacher) February 11, 2016

Rob Manning / OPB
6:33 p.m. The FBI confirmed it has moved to contain occupiers still inside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. FBI officials said it has placed agents at barricades near the area where the militants are located. Negotiations continue between law enforcement and the occupiers, and no shots have been fired. Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon said the following in a press release:
“It has never been the FBI's desire to engage these armed occupiers in any way other than through dialogue, and to that end, the FBI has negotiated with patience and restraint in an effort to resolve the situation peacefully. However, we reached a point where it became necessary to take action in a way that best ensured the safety of those on the refuge, the law enforcement officers who are on scene, and the people of Harney County who live and work in this area.”
The FBI has moved to contain the remaining occupiers by placing agents at barricades ahead & behind the area where they are camping.
— FBI Portland (@FBIPortland) February 11, 2016
6:22 p.m. Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore called in to the militants from the Portland airport. She said she would be willing to travel to Burns to help negotiate an end to the standoff.
6:00 p.m. The FBI moved in on the remaining occupants at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
A live-stream from Gaven Seim, a media personality who frequently posts videos in support of the occupation, is capturing mounting tension among the four occupiers inside the refuge. At times a fifth voice is heard on a loudspeaker over the stream. That person appears to be an FBI negotiator. He addressed occupation members David Fry and Sean Anderson by name. Jeff Banta, the other militant inside the refuge, did not speak on the recording.
"Put your weapon down and come forward," the voice said. "I want to hear what you have to say."
Seim said he received a call from Fry and began streaming it online.
The occupiers are calling for politicians to intervene and protect them and are asking for Assemblywoman Michele Fiore.
Listen live below.
Live updates from all of our reporters covering the ongoing occupation.
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