science environment

You And Your Green Holidays

By Toni Tabora-Roberts (OPB)
Dec. 24, 2013 6:30 p.m.
In response to our query about sustainable holidays, EarthFix reader Simon Skiles sent us this photo of his LED holiday lights.

In response to our query about sustainable holidays, EarthFix reader Simon Skiles sent us this photo of his LED holiday lights.

Simon Skiles


Earlier this month, we asked what you are doing to have a more sustainable holiday season. Here are some of your responses.


Live trees and LED holiday lights are a popular choice for our readers.

Ohj Tavallai shared that they “use a live tree for several years, then plant it when it gets to [sic] big for the house.” They try and use a local tree.

Similarly, Patrick C Tempel wrote, “I use LED lights on a living tree which I plant it afterwards.”

Simon Skiles even sent us a photo of his tree adorned in LEDs:

@EarthFixMedia Pic two:


While a few noted their use of locally harvested trees, Cate Callahan opted for another kind of tree.

“Using a ‘fake’ tree each year. No smell, but no dead trees either,” Callahan says.

As for which type of tree is greener, the debate rages on.

Most of the other comments we received had to do with gifts. Several readers are using recycled gift wrap and tissue.

Courtesy of Pulp and Deckle.

Pulp and Deckle takes that idea to the next level. “Our paper studio is green all year, but during the holidays we ask people to give us their used gift wrap and cards so we can make recycled handmade paper from them. This bookmark was made with used tissue paper, shredded office paper, and used gift wrap!” they wrote.

Rather than recycle, two readers choose to refrain from consuming.

“It's a small thing, but I don't buy giftwrap nor Christmas cards decorated with foil because those cannot be recycled,” Sheri Billett wrote.

Diane Driver exclaimed, “I'm not buying any presents!”

Whether you refrain from buying, or sing a holiday refrain or two, we wish you all the best this holiday season.

-- Toni Tabora-Roberts