Sean D. Kealiher
Courtesy of the family via Portland Police Bureau
The Portland Police Bureau said Monday it hasn't made any arrests in connection with the death of an anti-fascist activist early Saturday morning.
Sean D. Kealiher, 23, was hit by an SUV shortly after midnight near Cider Riot, a popular bar for left-wing protesters. Friends drove him to the hospital, where he died.
Police said there was evidence of gunfire into the SUV that killed Kealiher, which crashed near the headquarters of the Oregon Democratic Party.
In August, six men affiliated with right-wing causes were indicted for rioting outside the bar, including Joey Gibson the leader of Patriot Prayer, a group that has attracted white supremacists to its sometimes violent events. The owners of Cider Riot have filed a $1 million lawsuit against Gibson and others, which according to the suit, are members of Patriot Prayer.
Rose City Antifa said on Twitter Saturday that Kealier's death didn't appear to have any political connection.
"Our sources indicate that this was not related to fascist activity," the group said.
Our hearts go out to the friends and family members affected by the death of Sean Kealiher. Our sources indicate that this was not related to fascist activity.
— Always Antifascist (@RoseCityAntifa) October 13, 2019
If you are struggling with this news, we would encourage contacting Lines for Life at 800-273-8255.
But the Portland Police Bureau isn't providing additional details.
"I cannot confirm those allegations at this point," Sgt. Brad Yakots said in an email Monday morning to OPB.
Kealiher was seen at Cider Riot on Friday night, which closed at 11 p.m.
The incident took place around 12:14 a.m. Saturday, according to police.
Police are investigating the incident as a homicide.
Police have asked anyone with information to contact Det. Scott Broughton at 503-823-3774, Scott.Broughton@portlandoregon.gov or Det. Rico Beniga 503-823-0457, Rico.Beniga@portlandoregon.gov.