Prescription drugs.
Seniors from Portland and about 20 other cities across the nation, are protesting the Trans-Pacific Partnership Tuesday.
They chose Tuesday because President Obama is expected to push for the trade deal’s passage during his State of the Union address.
Scott Blau with the Oregon Alliance for Retired Americans, says the TPP is bad for consumers, especially those who rely on prescription drugs.
“In the last year the price of prescription drugs has gone up around 13 percent and the TPP is very likely to add a whole other level to that, because of the way the drug companies will be able to hold onto their patents and not allow generic drugs to be made, which lowers the cost of drugs,” he said.
A statement from the Pharmaceutical and Research Manufacturers of America says strong intellectual property protection is necessary for the development of new treatments. Intellectual property protection is what makes a drug branded rather than generic.
But the Obama Administration says the partnership is intended to promote innovation and access to affordable medicines in developing countries.
Congress can approve the partnership or not. But it can’t amend or filibuster the deal.