Judge Denies Release For Bundy Brothers Again

By Conrad Wilson (OPB)
Portland, Oregon July 19, 2016 2:35 p.m.
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In an order filed Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Jones denied the latest request for pretrial release from Ammon and Ryan Bundy.


Jones said the Bundy brothers may well ignore their conditions of release and fail to appear for the upcoming September trial if they were to return home.

"More dangerously, they may attempt to recruit another standoff or occupation just as in the Nevada episode in 2014 and at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge," Jones wrote in his court order.

Both Bundy brothers have been charged in a 2014 armed standoff between ranchers and the Bureau of Land Management near Bunkerville, Nevada.

"They based their actions on their misinterpretation of adverse possession law and their misguided interpretation of criminal and constitutional law," Jones noted.


Jones wrote that the brothers "ignored requests to disperse" during their occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon.

“The group was armed with weaponry with which to resist intervention by federal authorities,” Jones wrote.

Related: Prosecutors: Ryan Bundy Jail Escape Foiled During Cell Search

Prosecutors said in court Monday that the FBI recovered about 50 firearms, 6,000 rounds of ammunition and 1,000 spent shell casings from the refuge, something Jones noted in his order.

Jones also wrote that Ryan Bundy especially poses a flight risk.

Prosecutors accused Bundy this week of attempting to escape from the Multnomah County Jail. Jail staff reportedly discovered his attempt during a search of his cell April 8.

Bundy was found with bed sheets that had been braided into a rope under his mattress, along with extra clothing and food. At the time, Bundy told county jail staff that he was a rancher and was practicing braiding rope.

“I reject his excuse that he was practicing braiding,” Jones wrote.

The Bundys are scheduled to go to trial for the Oregon occupation in Sept. 7.