- Portland writer Sally Tisdale is one of Oregon's true literary treasures. She's the author of eight books, but she is first and foremost an essayist — someone who can make art out of her process of trying to make sense of the world. She spoke with host Dave Miller about her latest book, a collection of essays that she wrote over the last three decades called "Violation."
- Rob Spillman is the editor and founder of the literary magazine Tin House. His new memoir is called "All Tomorrow's Parties." He spoke with "Think Out Loud" producer Dave Blanchard.
- Charles Bock is a novelist based in New York city. His latest book, "Alice and Oliver," is fiction, but it has many parallels with his own life. Bock spoke with OPB news director Anna Griffin.
All the conversations were recorded at the 2016 Literary Arts Wordstock Festival in downtown Portland.
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