Plovers | Ransomware | Dire Wolves | First Amendment

By Allison Frost (OPB), Chris Seigel (OPB) and Claire Martin-Tellis (OPB)
May 30, 2018 7:50 a.m.

Dear Prudence is an American Alsatian DireWolf Dog. Breeder Lois Schwartz is creating a breed of dog that looks like a prehistoric dire wolf, but has the temperament of a domestic animal.

Courtesy of Lois Schwartz

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  • We hear from wildlife biologist Vanessa Blackstone on the recent spotting of the endangered Snowy Plover. The bird was seen at Fort Stevens State Park for the first time since the 1980s and Blackstone says its population numbers are on the rise.
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  • The Roseburg School District was recently hacked and lost all access to its website and email until it paid the ransom that hackers demanded. We talk with Superintendent Gerry Washburn about the incident, the decision to pay up, and what the implications are for cybersecurity moving forward.
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  • Dire wolves went extinct about 10,000 years ago but you wouldn't know that if you visited the Schwarz Kennel in White City, Oregon. Lois Schwarz, founder of the Dire Wolf Project, is creating a breed of canine that looks like a dire wolf but has the temperament of a lap dog. We talk with her about the project and how she came to dedicate her life to reconstructing an extinct animal.
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  • A federal judge issued a ruling yesterday that will allow a Hillsboro senior to wear a t-shirt with the logo "Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.'' to school after he was initially told by an administrator that he could not wear the shirt. Ben Becker, one of the student's lawyers, tells us about the case.

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