Oregon Experience

Civilian Conservation Corps

Nov. 3, 2009 4 a.m.
Photo courtesy of Oregon State Forestry Center

Photo courtesy of Oregon State Forestry Center

2008 is the 75th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps.  Today its work is still enjoyed in parks and forests around the state.  Through interviews with former enrollees, and historic film and pictures, the program tells the story of the CCC in Oregon.

Five days after his 1933 inauguration, President Franklin D. Roosevelt called an emergency session of Congress to install one of his most popular New Deal programs – the Conservation Civilian Corps. It was known as the CCC.

The program targeted unemployed young men, veterans and American Indians hard hit by the Great Depression. The CCC boys, as they were called, were required to send a portion of their wages home to their parents. The boys also received free education, healthcare and job training.

Throughout its nine-year existence, the program put millions to work on federal and state land for the 'prevention of forest fires, floods, and soil erosion, plant, pest, and disease control.' Nationwide, enrollees planted three billion trees and came to be known as the Tree Army.

Oregon hosted dozens of CCC camps all over the state. Enrollees fought fires on the Tillamook Burns, helped build ski areas on Mt Hood, built telephone and electrical wires, and improved farm lands.   

Today, Oregonians continue to enjoy the CCC legacy at parks and forests around the state.



Cole, Olen Jr., The African American Experience in the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Cohen, Stan, The Tree Army: A Pictorial History of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933 1942.

Cornebise, Alfred E. Jefferson, The CCC Chronicles: camp newspapers of the Civilian Conservation Corps,1933-1942


Hill, Edwin G. Holland, Kenneth and Frank Ernest Hill , In the Shadow of the Mountain: The Spirit of the CCC. 1990

Howell, Glenn, CCC Boys Remember: A Pictorial History of the CCC

Nolte, M. Chester ed, Civilian Conservation Corps: The Way We Remember It, 1933 – 1942 - Personal Stories of Life in the CCC.

Schultz, Michael John. Thomaton, In the Shadow of the Trees

Smith, Kathy Mays, Gold Medal CCC Company 1538: A Documentary. Backbone of our nation and our military

Web sites

Civilian Conservation Corps Blog Spot Resource Page

Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni Web Site

James F. Justin Civilian Conservation Corps Online Museum

Oregon State Archives: The Civilian Conservation Corps

The Corps Network

Broadcast Date: November 02, 2009