The 3D printed model of Onboard Dynamics' engine technology.
Onboard Dynamics
A Bend startup company is in Washington D.C. today by a special invitation from the White House.
OnBoard Dynamics is one of about 20 companies showcasing technology at the first-ever White House Demo Day. The Bend company has developed a product that enables any vehicle to use natural gas as fuel, rather than gasoline or diesel.
The White House said the demo day is a way for entrepreneurs to highlight their success stories and showcase innovation.
"We've been selected to exhibit our technology," said Rita Hansen, CEO of OnBoard Dynamics. "We've brought a 3D-printed model, small scale model of what the technology looks like into the engine."
Hansen and her company are showcasing the cleaner fuel technology just one day after President Obama announced a new climate change plan to limit future carbon pollution. The plan focuses on reducing carbon emissions in each state by clamping down on power plant pollution.
Tuesday's exhibit took a different approach to combating climate change, according to Hansen.
"Our plan is to show how we can disrupt and transform the transportation fueling infrastructure of the United States," she said.
So excited to be setting up our exhibit in downstairs oval room for #WHDemoDay! pic.twitter.com/awGDEkeOBN
— Onboard Dynamics (@OnboardDynamics) August 4, 2015