Oregon is expected to receive about $18.8 million from a settlement with JUUL Labs. The e-cigarette company will have to pay the state over a six to 10 year period, and will be paying several other states totaling more than $438 million. This comes after a two-year investigation led by Oregon, Texas and Connecticut on the company’s marketing practices that appealed to youth. But what has vape use looked like for Oregon’s youth? While state data from 2020 shows a decline in use, Kris Davis, dean of students at Redmond High School, says vaping is just as prevalent as it was in the past. We’ll hear from him on what vaping looks like in his school and actions they have taken. And, to get a better picture of what’s happening in the state, we’re joined by Tom Jeanne, deputy health officer and epidemiologist at the Oregon Public Health Division.
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