FILE - Traffic is shown crossing the Hood River Bridge in January 2024.
Courtesy Patty Rosas/Port of Hood River
The Hood River Bridge reopened to passenger vehicles early Sunday afternoon, three days after it had been damaged by a crash involving a semi-truck.
The Port of Hood River said its commission approved the reopening of the Hood River-White Salmon Interstate Bridge for the use of passenger vehicles only by 2 p.m. on Sunday, based on recommendations from the port’s engineering team at a special emergency meeting held Sunday morning.
In its press release, the port said Justin Doornink from HDR Engineering, Inc., who is part of the engineering team, had advised limiting traffic to passenger vehicles only in order to “prevent another accidental strike to the overhead bracing while the bridge remains in a damaged state.”
Related: Damaged by semi-truck, Hood River Bridge to remain closed until Sunday at least
The Port of Hood River decided to immediately close the century-old bridge for engineers to assess the damage, after the excavator a southbound semi-truck was hauling had crashed into the lift span above the traffic lane. The port said the crash had caused “severe damage” to the structure of the bridge.
The bridge is a vital route for residents in the Columbia Gorge, especially for those on the Washington side who rely on it to access medical services, work and shopping in Hood River. It is also the only bridge crossing the Columbia River for miles in each direction.
First constructed in 1924, the Hood River Bridge has long been cited for replacement, due to its outdated narrow lanes and weight restrictions. The Port of Hood River has said the bridge is “nearing the end of its serviceable life,” and is unsafe for pedestrians, vehicles and commercial barges.
The cost of the bridge replacement is estimated at $520 million. The Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Authority, which oversees the expensive project, is still seeking state and federal funding for it.
Related: Efforts advance to replace nearly 100-year-old Hood River-White Salmon bridge
The Port of Hood River doesn’t mention when the bridge will reopen to other types of vehicles, but said it will provide a schedule for permanent repairs of the bridge later in the week.
Reopening of the Hood River-White Salmon Interstate Bridge for Passenger Vehicles
— Port of Hood River (@PortofHoodRiver) June 30, 2024
The Port Commission approved the reopening of the Hood River-White Salmon Interstate Bridge based on the recommendation from the engineering team at this morning’s special emergency meeting.
Joni Auden Land and Julia Boboc contributed to this story.
Correction: The story has been updated to say the Port of Hood River said the crash involving a semi-truck caused “severe damage” to the structure of the bridge. OPB regrets the error.
Clarification: The story has been updated to say the Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Authority seeks state and federal funding for the Hood River Bridge replacement.