Born without a left hand, Alexis Hillyard, right, inspires people to celebrate their limb differences and embrace cooking through her YouTube channel Stump Kitchen.
Courtesy of Alexis Hillyard and Stump Kitchen
In Episode 61, we celebrate the ways in which technology and innovation have made cooking and eating increasingly accessible to those with disabilities. First, Dr. Reva Barewal, founder of
, tells us about her revolutionary therapeutic snacks, which bring flavor, pleasure, social connection, and autonomy to the lives of those who are unable to chew or swallow due to medical conditions.
Next: Born without a left hand, Alexis Hillyard inspires her worldwide community of followers to celebrate their limb differences. Hillyard's popular YouTube channel and blog,
, brings joy, humor, and creativity to cooking.
Then, Drew Prindle, senior editor at
and an expert on the future of food, tells us how technology is increasingly automating kitchen tasks. Whether short on time, intimidated by cooking, limited by physical constraints, or simply curious, you'll want to hear about the intriguing next generation of kitchen-bots.
Meet our panelists: Dr. Reva Barewal is a specialist in full mouth reconstruction, a clinical assistant professor at Oregon Health & Science University, and a French culinary chef who is the creator of Savorease therapeutic snacks. Alexis Hillyard is the talent behind Stump Kitchen, a vegan and gluten-free YouTube series and website that celebrate body diversity. Drew Prindle, senior editor at Digital Trends, is an expert on the future of food.
Our host is Katherine Cole.
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