Turkey Trouble | Lead Dust | Makers And Techs

By Sage Van Wing (OPB), Julie Sabatier (OPB) and Cass Ray (OPB)
Sept. 25, 2017 9:26 a.m.

Demolition of some older homes in Portland, Oregon, could change under a proposed ordinance being circulated by City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly.

Pamplin Media Group

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  • There have always been wild turkeys in Pilot Rock, Oregon. But in the last few years, the flock has grown. Now there are over 100 birds wandering through town, stopping traffic, and making a mess of the houses and cars they roost over at night. Virginia Carnes, mayor of Pilot Rock, tells us about the options the town is considering.
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  • The city of Portland is considering tightening the regulations that developers have to follow to ensure that they safely deal with lead and asbestos when they tear down old homes. Meanwhile, a recent investigation by the Portland Tribune found a number of cases when developers aren't following the current regulations. Joining us are Marshall Runkel, chief of staff to City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly; Perry Cabot, lead specialist for the Multnomah County Health Department; and Randy Sebastian, president of Renaissance Homes.
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  • Oregon startup business writer Rick Turoczy and Uncorked Studios CEO Marcelino Alvarez have a hunch: the state's startup world has two distinct communities, the techs and the makers. These communities need to talk more, they argue, and they've started this week's BuiltUp Festival in an effort to facilitate the conversations. Turoczy joins us to talk about what they hope to change.

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